
How To Find The Right Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer in San Diego

A slip and fall accident can happen to anyone, anywhere. According to the National Flooring Institute, falls account for over 8 million emergency room visits per year. While falling in public can be embarrassing, it can bruise more than your ego. Slip and fall accidents can have serious implications, impacting your health and quality of life. If your accident occurred on someone else’s property or a business’s premises, you may be entitled to compensation. 

In California, property owners owe visitors and customers a duty of care. Learn how to choose the right slip and fall injury lawyer in San Diego for your claim.

San Diego Slip and Fall Accidents and the Duty of Care

If you fell and injured yourself while visiting a business or someone’s property, they owe you a duty of care. This means they must make the property reasonably safe for you and other customers. To meet this duty, business and property owners must take reasonable care to:

  1. Keep the property in a reasonably safe condition.
  2. Conduct regular premises inspections for dangerous conditions and correct them.
  3. Warn you if hazardous conditions exist that the owner knows or should have known of.

Premises liability is founded in negligence, or tort, law. In California, this is defined in California Civil Code Section 1714(a). You may hold a homeowner, business owner, or other property owner liable if they negligently contributed to your injury while you were on their premises.

Common Slip and Fall Accidents and Injuries in San Diego

Common examples of slip and fall accidents include slipping on food, water, or other liquid on the floor. This can cause victims to lose balance and fall to the floor or onto another object. Other objects that can cause slips and falls include powder, dust, granules, wires, debris, toys, paper, and clothing.

Slip and fall accidents can cause injuries ranging from minor to deadly. Injuries include:

  • Sprains, twists, and muscle strains
  • Elbow, ankle, and knee injuries
  • Dislocations
  • Cuts and abrasions
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Chronic pain
  • Joint pain
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Death

Deadlines for San Diego Slip and Fall Claims

The statute of limitations for your slip and fall claim is your deadline for filing a lawsuit. San Diego courts classify slip and fall claims as personal injury claims. You generally have two years from the date of the injury when dealing with a private person or entity. If your slip and fall involved a governmental entity, you must comply with governmental claim procedures within 6 months of the date of your slip and fall. 

How a San Diego Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer Can Maximize Your Compensation

Finding the right slip and fall lawyer in San Diego is key. The right attorney can analyze your case’s strength, identify the responsible parties, investigate your case, gather evidence, and calculate your damages owed.

While you focus on your recovery, your lawyer will shoulder the burden of your claim, communicate directly with the relevant parties, and negotiate with insurance adjusters to secure a fair settlement for your injuries and damages. If a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will take your case to court and represent your interests, advocating for fair compensation throughout the legal process. 

How To Find the Right Slip and Fall Lawyer in San Diego

After a slip and fall accident that results in injuries and damages, finding the right slip and fall lawyer for your case can directly impact your compensation and recovery. 

Do Your Research

The first step to finding a compatible attorney for your case is conducting thorough online research. Use search engines to seek out slip and fall lawyers near you. Make notes of any additional details that are important to you, such as locations, and spoken languages. Sometimes cases can fall under multiples practice areas. Note important overlapping practice areas, such as:

Look for Experience

Experience is key. A lawyer with extensive experience pursuing slip and fall claims will know the local laws. You’ll want an attorney who understands the common challenges of slip and fall accidents and the strategies to overcome these issues. 

A notable track record of success speaks volumes to your lawyer’s experience. A history of successful settlements and verdicts in similar cases can attest to the lawyer’s experience in slip and fall cases. 

Consider Reputation

A lawyer’s reputation within the legal community can be a strong indicator of their competence and ethics. Membership in professional organizations such as the San Diego County Bar Association, Consumer Attorneys of San Diego, and the Consumer Attorneys of California can also be a positive indicator. Look for attorneys who are well regarded by their peers and have received awards and accolades such as Super Lawyers ratings.

Schedule Your Free Consultation With Our Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer in San Diego

Finding the right San Diego slip and fall lawyer requires diligent research and careful consideration of their experience and reputation. At the Law Offices of Kroger-Diamond and Campos APC, our team offers a transparent contingency fee structure and communicates in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Farsi. 

Contact us to schedule your free consultation at our San Diego or North County locations.